Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Year 12 GlobaliZation homework

Students to find an image that has something to do with globalization. Write a short review (400 words minimum) of the image and what it reveals about globalization

Due next day 4 (Wednesday 25th May - After May week)

Here are the links to the "Did you know" videos we watched in class:

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Year 11 Geography Revision - Resources on Edexcel website

Many of you have asked about getting a copy of past papers for your geography revision. As this is a new geography syllabus from the Edexcel exam board, there are no past papers to be had. We only have a sample paper published by the exam board (the one you sat for your mocks) and this paper can be accessed here:

Once you are on this website, click on Assessment Materials and you can then download the pdf document "Sample Assessment Material" (1 MB download).

You can also access the whole syllabus by clicking on Specification and downloading the associated pdf.

Happy revising!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Year 13 Geography - Food Production and Markets

Choose one of the factors below and assess to what extent it has impacted food production. Your chosen factor must include a case study/example.

Word limit: 720-880.

Due: next Day 3. Bring printout to class - no emails please.

Factors: Trade Blocs, Farm Subsidies, Free Trade, Trade Barriers, Multilateral Agreements, Bilateral Agreements, Transnational Corporations (TNCs, Agribusiness).

Online Resources:

Trade Blocs and farm subsidies (subsidies can also be viewed as a form of protectionism):

European Union (EU) and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

Free Trade (as apposed to protectionism):

Trade Barriers (related to protectionism):

Multilateral Agreements:

ACP and EU (bananas):

Bilateral Agreements:

Between St. Lucia and Sainsbury (country and company). This involves Fair Trade.

Transnational Corporations (TNCs):

Monsanto (Agribusiness)

Other examples: Purina Farms, Ocean Spray (and many many others!).

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Year 9 Revision - a few words of advice

Here are a few tips on what you should be revising for your Geography exam:

The exam is a skills-based exam.

This means that you will need to use skills that you learnt throughout the year to answer questions about material that you may never have seen before.

These could be skills such as:

  • Reading data from a graph / drawing a graph from data
  • Being able to read information from a map
  • Being able to read and analyse a text and answer questions about it.

You do not need to revise each topic that we have covered in detail. You should go through the material (Ghana - Development, Earthquakes and Volcanoes, Environmental Quality Survey) and focus on the skills you studied.

Good luck!

Mr. Jonsson

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Year 13 - Tourism in Antarctica

Can tourism in Antarctica be seen as a sustainable form of tourism? Evaluate this question with reference to examples (20 points - essay question)

Tips: Use the links in the right hand column of this blog. You also have a handout on Ecotourism (last page is on Antarctica). 4 of the links will take you to tour operators websites.

You need to define sustainable tourism (e.g. ecotourism). Evaluate the positive and negative impacts of tourism in Antarctica and see how this overall picture marries up with definitions of ecotourism.

Due first lesson after Easter Break (the only lesson we have before you go on study leave).

Any questions - drop me an email (found on this blog).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Year 12 TOK Practice Essay

What use is Logic? Why should we be ‘reasonable’?

Word count: 500

Use the resources in the library. Ask Ms. Wilkinson for the TOK leaflet and look up the sections on reason and logic.

Remember to look at the success criteria for the essay on the intranet.

Due next Day 6 (next Thursday, 18th March)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Year 12 - Pollution in the oceans

Pollution in the oceans: radioactive material, oil and chemical waste.

I would like you to produce a table (either on A3 or typed up) outlining the 3 types of pollution stated above (3 rows). Your table must have 3 columns (source of pollution, distribution of pollution, implications of pollution).

For the first column (source of pollution), describe where the pollution is coming from, i.e. what types of activities are a source of pollution).

For the second column (distribution of pollution), describe where the pollution is commonly found globally.

For the third column (implications of pollution), describe what affects the pollution is having on our environment, economies etc.

Use the websites below to research your table:
