Thursday, November 20, 2008

TOK essay - November 2008

•“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world” - A. Einstein

•“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination” – A. Einstein

•“Imagination depends mainly on memory but there is a small percentage of creation of something out of nothing with it. We can invent a trifle more than can be got at by mere combination of remembered things” - S. Butler.

•“Imagination is the innate ability and process to invent partial or complete personal realms within the mind from elements derived from sense perception of the shared world” - Wikipedia.

Compare the roles played by Reason and Imagination in the natural sciences. (500 words)

Due next day 1

There are many and various texts in the library that you can look up. Ask Ms. Wilkinson for the TOK leaflet for a list of books. You could also ask your Physics/Chemistry/Biology teacher for some thoughts!

1 comment:

AnonymousIllusions_92 said...

Is this the homework due for next class? But on what do we need to write oure TOK essays, exactly? Does it have to be based on the documentary of the "Elegance of the Universe" we watched in class?

- Stephanie Di Blasio